Digital Transformation

True digital transformation requires evaluating and changing not just one, but multiple aspects of a business.

The most effective and beneficial digital transformations require changes across departments in the organization, at all levels—from the individual worker to the C-suite—and across all the connected business elements, such as processes, activities, and assets. It is a cultural change, people across the organization, and possibly outside of the organization, will be affected.

In most organizations, digital transformation starts with initiatives in customer-facing areas, such as marketing, sales, or support.

As your digital transformation efforts expand back into operations and internal processes, it’s important that you always continue your analysis with the customer as the starting point. Ultimately, every part of the business exists to serve its customers.

Aligning to best practices on Customer Journey and Customer Experience is key to the success.

Over the years we have developed an approach to guide us as we help customers with digital transformations. The approach is shown below.

The Approach

1. Context Discovery and Strategy Definition
Establish the project
Identify key stakeholders and their needs and drivers
Define strategic objectives
Define governance requirements and high-level governance framework
Define principles and policies
Define roles and responsibilities
Map existing services and sourcing environment
Assess the organization’s process capability and maturity
Understand the marketplace
Define how to manage organizational change
Initiate the business case Design the New Service Model

2. Design the service model
Sourcing approach
Governance model
Process model
Roles and responsibilities
Performance management
Technology strategy
Improvement approaches
Update the business case and obtain approval to proceed

3. Plan the Implementation
Proceed to detailed planning
Select implementation approach

4. Implement
Transition to the approve service model

5. Run and improve
Operate and maintain services
Monitor operations
Report on performance
Review performance against objectives
Conduct audits
Assess compliance
Identify improvements and obtain approvals to proceed
Initiate improvements

Let us help you with your digital transformation!